Thank You for 2024 and see you in 2025!

From my family to yours, a heartfelt THANK YOU for coming to the fruit stand this summer. We are done for the season--our twelfth--and already dreaming of next June's Rainier cherries. Hope you got some good fruit put up for the winter, and we will see you when the cherries are sweet! 

Levi, Bri, Mac, and Juliette Jacobs (from right)

To get in the loop for next season,
sign up for text updates below, or like our Facebook page to get updates on each fruit run. You can also check our selling locations for where exactly we sell in each town, and look for the big signs and white semi!

Text or Email Updates

Note: we do still send emails, but we send so many now that some email providers (especially Gmail) will think we are sending spam and put us in the junk folder. So if you like email, look for our message in the junk folder, or add our address ( to your contacts list so the emails come to your primary inbox! If you 'do' text messaging, we recommend signing up for those instead--they always come through.

PS: If you're already signed up, no need to enter your information again--you're on the list till you tell us you want off :)

PPS: No need to add the 1 before your phone number on texts!!